The house details will be emailed to you one week prior to the event.
- No handbags are to be taken into the home.
- Previously small handbags have been allowed, however the rules around this have changed. Please do not attempt to bring bags into the homes on display.
- Park on the street, or where indicated on the ticket. DO NOT drive down driveways, unless instructed to do so.
- You MUST have your lanyard to enter every property. For Security purposes, you may also be asked for some form of photo I.D. (eg Drivers Licence)
- Absolutely, no entry without a lanyard.
- No babies or children under 16 are permitted on the Tour.
- Please remove your shoes before entering each home and leave them at the front door.
- TIP: Wear distinctive slip-on shoes as they are easier to find. Don’t wear boots – you will regret the hassle!
- Please do not touch any fabrics or the wallpaper.
- No cameras, mobile phone cameras or videos are to be taken in the homes.
- No smoking is allowed in or on each property.
- No eating or drinking is allowed in the homes.
- Please respect owners’ privacy at all times.
- Please do not open any cupboards or drawers.
- Please do not open doors marked “Private – No Entry” or go into ribboned-off areas.
- Toilets are NOT available at the homes.
For any further enquiries. Please email